Integrate Callingly With
One-way integration | Email trigger | No owner sync |
Callingly can receive new lead notifications from, allowing you to instantly trigger calls to your leads.
Owners and Admins can enable integrations. Approx. reading time 3 min.
Connect Callingly to
To fully connect Callingly and, you’ll need to first turn on the integration in Callingly and receive a unique forwarding email address. Once you've done that, you'll set up a forwarding rule in your account and you'll be all set. Let’s start at the beginning.
Turn on the integration in Callingly
- 1.
- Navigate to the Integrations page on the Callingly dashboard.
- 2.
Hit the Connect button next to the integration option. A new menu will slide open, allowing you to edit a few options. Edit them as you see fit.
The name of your integration. If using multiple instances of an integration with the same app, it’s a good idea to change this to something more descriptive.Input Type Options Default Setting Text input box Up to 250 alphanumeric characters Email Integration Email Address
The email address where you’ll forward the lead data, to trigger the Callingly outbound call flow. Copy this email address to your clipboard for later.
Note: An email address is automatically generated for you, and cannot be changed.Team
Leads sent to this integration will be routed to this Team.
Input Type Options Default Setting Dropdown menu Each team in your account Primary team - 3.
- Click Save to save your changes.
Set up Lead forwarding from
You can also reference these instructions on how to set up lead forwarding from
- 1.
- Login to your dashboard.
- 2.
- Go to the Lead settings screen.
- 3.
- Click the Change link to update the email address where each type of lead is sent.
- 4.
- Select Lead forwarding in the email type dropdown menu.
- 5.
- Enter the email address where you want the lead to be sent.
- 6.
- Tick the HTML emails option under the Email format header.
- 7.
- Click Save
You're all set! The integration is set up and you are ready to start receiving calls.
- Test the integration. To try this process out with a fake lead, click on the Send test button in the screen above. The outbound call flow should begin within 60 seconds.
- Set the call schedule. Once you've added your team, you'll want to set the schedule for when they can receive calls. This way, nobody will receive a call outside of work hours.
Common Questions
How do I send calls to different teams?
You can do this by setting up multiple instances of the integration. Simply pick a unique team for each integration, and send the lead information to the corresponding email address.